ISIS Take Control Of Russian Jail: Inmates ‘cut Guard’s Throat(photos)

ISIS fanatic inmates have taken control of a Russian penal colony, slashing a guard’s throat and forcing maimed hostages to beg Putin for help while demanding a helicopter and £1.5million cash.Horrifying video shows a prisoner holding a knife to the neck of a terrified guard at the ‘harsh regime’ IK-19 penal colony in Volgograd while others were seen lying on the floor bleeding.One of the hostage-takers, identified as Rustamchon Navruzi, 23, a native of Tajikistan, is said to have strapped himself with explosives the prisoners made in the jail workshop using petrol and industrial liquids.Another video shows a wounded and terrified prison officer – his face covered in blood – being forced to beg Vladimir Putin to intervene inside the Surovikino prison compound.In the Kremlin, a pale-looking Putin promised that the situation would be discussed at Russia’s regular meeting of the country’s Security Council today.He demanded an update from the director of his security service, as troops descended on the scene, with reports emerging that shooting had been heard at the scene.The hostage-takers reportedly demanded a helicopter with a pilot, £1.5million and an air corridor to the southeast in order to leave the country, with a promise to free the hostages in exchange.They said their vicious attack was in revenge for what happened to the Islamist attackers in the Crocus City Hall massacre, and threatened to kill the hostages if their demands weren’t met.

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