During today’s Russian missile and drone attack on Ukraine, a Russian UAV breached Poland’s airspace before it went missing. This was announced by the Operational Commander of the Polish Armed Forces, Maciej Klisz, who spoke at a press conference, an correspondent reports.”We are probably dealing with an object that flew into the territory of Poland. The object was seen by at least three radars,” Klisz said. He added that the search for the “object” is in progress.
Zelensky on August 26, said that Russian army inflicted one of the most massive strikes on Ukraine since the full-scale invasion, involving over a hundred missiles of various types and nearly 100 Shahed drones.According to Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, 15 regions of Ukraine were affected by the attack that targeted energy infrastructure.
Among other targets, Russia attacked energy facilities in Lviv region, where power outages ensued.
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